About Me

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I like Skins. Alot. Cook's my favourite by far.

Monday, March 21, 2011

get the girl

So about a month ago, I got my cards read by this dude on Cuba St, and what it basically got down to was that I had to choose what I wanted in life. He also said there was a gorgeous woman in my life and if I wanted her I could get her. And then up came the conflict card and he told me I had to fight for her and it will be an uphill battle. Then the other day I was messaging her on Facebook, and she told me the guy she's been seeing just moved to Canada and all I could think was 'It's my turn now' time to be charming, time to fight, time for once in my life to GET THE GIRL.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It DOES Gets Better

Just wanted to share something that happened yesterday. Me and my flat mates were discussing how homophobic society is (me being a lesbian) towards the LGBT community, and one of my flat mates shared something that made me feel so honoured to know her. She works at a movie theater, and she overheard these boys in line using homophobic slurs including f****t, so when they got to the front of the line she refused to serve them. This is the biggest stand against homophobia anyone of my friends have ever taken and it made me feel so much better just knowing that there are people who stand up for our rights as human beings. It made me see her in a new light and gave me so much respect for her. SO to all the people fighting for us, thank you, and to all the LGBT reading this and strggling or just wanting something to uplift them, It DOES Get Better.

Love to you all,
and to my amazing flat mate


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 29 - The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

note: i know I've been skipping days and gone for months without posting but no-one reads this anyways it's just theraputic for me :)

You scare me,
actually you terrify me
I know what's happening
I've been there before
and I don't wish to return
I can't even say it in written word
It's too much,
too soon